In this second episode you’ll meet Antonia, a German student who tells you her experience studying Spanish in Mexico.
If you are German and you are planning to travel and study Spanish in Mexico this interview will be of great help.
Enjoy it:
Extra Lessons
- 100 Common Spanish Phrases (Audio)
- I Miss you in Spanish (Audio)
- Brazilian Student Tells you her Experience Studying Spanish in Mexico.
Questions and answers in English
Note: (This is an abridged version)
Minute: 1:14
1. Tell me a little about yourself. What did you study? And Why did you decide to study Spanish in Mexico?
I studied architecture at University and after studying Spanish for a time there, I decided to travel to another country to improve what I learned. I had the choice of Spain or Mexico, but I chose Mexico because I wanted to leave Europe and I thought it was a more exotic and interesting option.
Minute: 2:23
2. Why did you decide to come to the UNAM?
There are programs of collaboration between my University and the UNAM. I studied architecture for a semester in UNAM and I took a course at CEPE to improve my Spanish.
Minute: 3:07
3. How much interest do you think there is in Germany for Studying Spanish?
When you are in high school, you have to take English, but they also give you the option to study a second language, which can be French or Spanish.
Many students choose Spanish because it is the second most spoken language in the world and I think there is much interest to study it.
Minute: 4:14
4. How difficult is it for a German student to study Spanish in Mexico? What issues did you go through?
It is not easy, especially with the lodging, luckily a friend had come to Mexico and helped me.
I was also asking for help from other Mexicans and fortunately, Mexicans are very kind, if you have any problems, they are very open and always try to help you.
Minute: 5:55
5. What topics make it harder for you or what do you think will be difficult for a German student studyiing Spanish?
Yes, for a German student everything is totally different, grammar, sounds, accents, as writting.
There are also tenses in the past that do not exist in German. In addition, there are more topics like subjunctive if that are used in German, but we do not use them so much, and we do not so many rules. It’s a bit complicated, but can easily be learned.
Minute: 6:40
6. Do you like classes in CEPE?
Yes, I like them, the teachers are very patient, they have good humor, and I love them.
Minute: 9:01
7. What do you like about Mexico?
I like many things, I think that for the Germans the weather is very beautiful, it is very hot. I also like the people, they are always relaxed and in a good mood.
I studied architecture and that’s something else that I like about Mexico, it’s very different from what you find in Europe.
Minute: 9:52
8. What do not you like about Mexico?
The unpunctuality of the Mexicans, but I already relax and I no longer worry about being late to my appointments.
I do not like being seen by people, it usually shows that I am a foreigner and you may be a little more vulnerable to being robbed or something, but I think that can happen anywhere in the world.
Minute: 11:26
9. Do you feel safe in the city?
Before I felt safer, but recently my wallet was stolen in the subway, nothing happened to me, but it made me worried.
The important thing is not to travel alone and dress discreetly.
Minute: 12:44
10. Would you recommend a German friend to come to Mexico?
Yes, definitely yes, I always speak to my friends in Germany from Mexico and I want them to know many places in the country.
“I already feel that it is my country and you can not but love it!
Minute: 13:23
11. Would you like to visit some other places in Mexico?
Yes, I already did, I went to Yucatan, Tulum, Chichen Itza, Merida, Cancun, and other archaeological sites. One place that I loved was the Huasteca Potosina, It is a fun place and you can do extreme sports.
Minute: 13:58
12. What recommendation would you give to someone who wants to study Spanish in Mexico?
For example, women would tell you that there are some basic products that are more expensive. I suggest you see your lodging before you agree to it and bring a credit card.
You can also search for groups on Facebook that give you information about Mexico and about trips within the country.
Minute 0:44: Realizar algún estudio de Posgrado = Degree.
Minute 1: 42: La manera mas fácil y mas Barata = Cheap.
Minute 2:24: Yo vine con una colaboración de mi Universidad y la UNAM= Collaboration.
Minute 3:25: Cuando estas en la secundaria te dan escoger Francés o Español= Choose.
Minute 4 :52: Los Mexicanos son muy abiertos = Mexicans are very Friendly.
Minute 5 :36: Me recogió del aeropuerto = They picked me up from the airport.
Minute 6:00: El español es muy diferente al alemán, sobre todo en la gramática = Grammar.
Minute 6:43: Los profesores son pacientes = The teachers are patient.
Minute 7:23: No me dijeron que es obligatorio siempre venir en las mañanas = They did not tell me it was mandatory.
Minute 9:04: Yo digo que para los alemanes lo mas impresionante es el clima y la naturaleza = I say that for the Germans the most impressive is the climate and nature.
Minute 9:55: Supongo que debe haber cosas que chocan con tu cultura. I suppose there must be things that shock with your culture.
Minute 10:54: Yo digo que en cualquier lugar del mundo te pueden robar algo = I say that anywhere in the world you can steal something.
Minute 11:44: Mañana me gustaría ir a Teotihuacan Minuto = Tomorrow I would like to go to Teotihuacan Minuto
Minute 12:19: Lo importante es saber donde moverse y que lugares son seguros = The important thing is to know where to move and which places are safe.
Minute 13:06: Estoy muy feliz aquí y este es mi país = I am very happy here and this is my country.
Minute 13:46: Un lugar que me gusto muchísimo fue la Huasteca Potosina = One place that I really liked was the Huasteca Potosina
Minute 14:51: Sacar la visa para un alemán es muy fácil = Getting a visa for a German is very easy.
Useful links
Facebook: Foreigners in Mexico City
Facebook: Germans in Mexico
Facebook: Travel Agency
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